Jendayi - A Aduce Multumiri - Give Thanks

Colectia Jendayi, alcatuita din piese unicat ce glorifica natura, creatia, Creatorul!

Noua colectie, inspirata in intregime de bijuteriile etnice africane, este un tribut adus acestei culturi fascinante, dar si naturii si divinitatii in general cu bijuterii si accesorii pline de naturalete, culoare, arta, multumire si adorare, magie si fascinatie, umanitate si dumnezeire, simplitate si complexitate, putere, vointa, superioritate. Si aceste lucruri intentionez sa il surprind si eu, prin materiale naturale, culori evocatoare, linii si jocuri hipnotizante! Dar si sa aduc multumiri si a glorifica Sursa harului primit!

Jendayi (jen DAH yee) - nume feminin, african - "a multumi, a aduce multumiri"

Jendayi evoca naturalete, pace, solitudine si iesire din tipare, fascinatie si ocultism, senzitivitate si romantism, comunicare mentala, simbolistica, complexitate, profunzime, creatie, bucurie, multumire.

Ideea colectiei...s-a nascut din samburele plantat cand am descoperit margelele naturale si le-am vizualizat in toata splendoarea lor alaturi de snururi din piele colorata. Un an mai tarziu, in momente de liniste in mijlocul agoniei trupului, am vazut curcubeul, motivele de multumire, binecuvantarile, promisiunile pastrate, sperantele, lumina. Si am decis sa practic recunostinta in orice circumstanta.

Primul colier creat a fost tocmai curcubeul (Osumare) si culorile, formele si ideile au inceput sa curga, mangaindu-ma si invaluindu-ma.

The Jendayi Collection, composed from unique pieces that glorifies nature, the Creation, the Creator!

The new collection, inspired entirely by the ethnic African jewelry, it's a tribute to this fascinating culture, but also to nature and divinity in general, with jewelry and accessories full of naturalness, color, art, gratification and adoration, magic and fascination, humanity and divinity, simplicity and complexity, power, will, superiority. And these things I intent to reveal, within natural materials, reminiscent colors, mesmerizing lines and games! But also to give thanks and to glorify the Source of the grace I've received!
Jendayi (jen DAH yee) - it's an African feminine name , meaning " to give thanks".
Jendayi conjures naturalness, peace, solitude and outstanding, fascination and occultism, sensitivity and romanticism, mental communication, symbolism, complexity, deepness, creation, joy, gratitude.

The idea of the collection has born from the seed planted when I've discovered the natural beads and i have visualized them in their whole splendor with leather colorful cords. A year later, in calm moments in the middle of the body agony, I saw the rainbow, the gratitude reasons, the blessings, the kept promises, the hopes, the light. And I decided to practice  gratitude in any circumstance.

The first necklace was actually the rainbow (Osumare) and the colors, the shapes and ideas started flowing, consoling and wrapping me up.

Sanaa Jendayi -" Art makes things possible"
Osumare - "Rainbow"
Akanke - "To know her is to love her"
Ayanna- "Beautiful flower, beautiful blossom"
Tisha- "Strong Will"
Hadiya- "Gift"
Olaniyi- "There's glory in wealth"
Shanira - "Warmed By the Sun"
Adia - "Gift of God"

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6 comentarii:

Las Creaciones de Boricua spunea...

Pretty designs!!!!!!!

Anonim spunea...

Ti-am observat mai intai produsele pe Breslo, mi-a placut mult aerul lor tribal.
Ce bijuterii originale! Au un aer primordial, basic, de parca ar spune o poveste simpla despre frumusetea vietii.

Abigail Smycken Handmade spunea...

These are absolutely lovely! I admire your creativity and I love the fact that you not just make amazing jewelry but also write inspiring stories about them and how the ideas came to you.

That makes them more than jewelry, it makes them symbols for greater things.

FabricaDeMargele spunea...

Superbe, sunt foarte reusite... Felicitari pentru creatiile frumoase pe care le faci.

Hapi spunea...

Felicitari, sunt foarte frumoase!
Preferatul meu e Hadiya- "Gift"

Bucuresti servicii spunea...

Superbe !!! :*